From the blurb:
Fr. Robert Spitzer, President of Gonzaga University and a highly regarded spiritual teacher and writer, presents a practical, yet rich guide for helping busy people develop a regular and deeper prayer life. Based on many successful retreats and seminars he has given over the years, this brilliant Jesuit priest presents five essential means through which the contemplative and active aspects of our lives can be fused together for a stronger spiritual life. Fr. Spitzer says that the contemporary generation, perhaps more than any other, needs to integrate contemplation into its hyperactive way of life because contemplation allows God to probe the depths of our hearts and allows us to gain deeper insight into His truth and love. This, in turn,leads ultimately to freedom - the freedom to love in the very imitation of Jesus Christ Himself: "This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you." St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, espoused the ideal of becoming "contemplatives in action". He was convinced that contemplation (the deep awareness and appropriation of the unconditional love of God) should affect our actions, and that our actions need to be brought back to contemplation. Fr. Spitzer shows there are five essential means through which this ideal can be attained, particularly for busy people. (1) the Holy Eucharist, (2) spontaneous prayer, (3) the Beatitudes,(4) partnership with the Holy Spirit, and (5) the contemplative life itself. This book is a "jump start" to a deeper spiritual life for today's active people, and it will enflame the desire to read the masters and to enter even more deeply into the heart of God.
171 Pages
6"W x9"L x1" H
ISBN 9781586172015
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SKU: 1769
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