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"The Four Last Things" by Fr. Wade Menezes explores the profound and eternal realities of death, judgment, heaven, and hell. Drawing upon Scripture, Church teaching, and the insights of the saints, Fr. Menezes offers a comprehensive examination of these essential topics, guiding readers through a deep reflection on the ultimate destiny of the soul. With clarity and conviction, he emphasizes the urgency of preparing for the inevitable journey beyond this life, urging readers to confront the reality of death and to live each day in light of the eternal truths of the Gospel. Fr. Menezes's insightful commentary and practical wisdom provide readers with the knowledge and motivation to embrace a life of holiness and to strive for the ultimate goal of heaven while avoiding the dangers of sin and spiritual complacency. "The Four Last Things" is a powerful and timely reminder of the importance of living with an eternal perspective and of making the necessary preparations for the journey that awaits us all.

The Four Last Things

SKU: 9139
  • Paperback

    Published by EWTN Publishing

    111 pages

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