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This book of healing prayers will help guide people closer to God, and pursue the healing the Lord desires for us all.


From the Introduction:

God loves us! Many of us believe that, to one degree or another. Yet many of us are still not fully healed. Why? Only God has that answer. We do know that Jesus healed all who came to Him. We do know that one fifth of the Gospel verses refer to healing in some manner, way, or form. We do know that healings are signs of God's Kingdom, breaking into our world and into our lives.
In this book we have attempted to put you in touch with the Father who loves you and always has your best interests at heart. In Psalm 37, God promises that if we delight ourselves in Him, He will give us the desires of our hearts. One way to do that is to spend time with Him in prayer.
We offer these prayers as a help to connect with God and His healing power, both directly as well as through the intercession of Mary and the saints. Remember that healing is often gradual, so please be patient! We urge you furthermore to always consult a healthcare professional when the need warrants it. God uses many instruments, both natural and supernatural, to heal, and we encourage you to make use of as many of them as necessary.
It is our sincere prayer that as you read this book and pray these prayers, you will grow closer to God and receive all that He wants to give you, now and in eternity.

Healing Prayers

SKU: 9781936020782
  • Leatherette

    Published by Aquinas Press

    96 pages

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